Thursday, September 25, 2008

Important news for hanncoll!

You were looking for some True Blood icons? Someone at LiveJournal (not me) has made some! Check 'em out. (They don't start until #058, so you have to scroll down.) Wonder where she got the screencaps. Bonus! She also has Supernatural "Lazarus Rising" icons.

So why didn't I just go ahead and post this at LJ? Because fucking LJ is not allowing me to post! When I click "Post" I get the title box, the tags box, the mood box and all the other boxes, except the text entry box! WTF?

I gotta tell ya, I'm really liking Blogspot/Blogger. Think I can get my LJ friends to move over here? Probably not, since the LJ Supernatural fan community is so large.

Oh, wait! I can't post cute little pictures here! Well, maybe that's not such a bad thing. Heh.

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