Sunday, September 28, 2008

Change of course

Aha! I've decided what to do with this blog. Since no one reads it, I'm going to discuss my head games.

I've been feeling a little down & blue for a week or so. Some of it is possibly due to a recent big change in my personal relationships. And some of it is probably due to the change of seasons. Even though the weather is quite mild here in the Washington, DC area, the hours of sunlight have decreased. We now have more hours of darkness than light, so I suppose my (undiagnosed) SAD is taking effect. Then, an incident at work Thursday afternoon took me back to my "I'm worthless" mindset. Thankfully, I had a session with my counselor Michelle planned for this weekend.

It was a good session. We talked about some of the things I can do to get out more, meet new people, and become more involved in life. We also talked about some of the ways I can do myself to combat my depression. Michelle made a list, copied it on colorful paper, and even put it in a plastic coversheet so I won't fold it up, tuck it away and forget about it. The list is sitting in front of me right now.

I'm excited to try some of the list items.

It's not on my list, but one of the things want to is to call my niece and talk about the birthday party she had for her daughter a couple weekends ago.

The second piece of "homework is to attend a rehearsal of the local Sweet Adeline's chorus. I've been talking about doing this for several years and just haven't started. It was one of my big plans for the beginning of the year. But shortly after 2008 began, I fell down the steps at work and broke my foot. Once it was sufficiently healed, I'd forgotten about the resolution. And here I am, in September, still not having made it. On the positive side, Michelle says I haven't given up.

The other thing I'm going to try is keeping a "credit log," a daily list of accomplishments. More than a gratitude journal, it's a way for me to see what I've done each day. Hopefully, the list will inspire me and with time it will grow.

I'll check back later in the week to see how I've done with my tasks.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Important news for hanncoll!

You were looking for some True Blood icons? Someone at LiveJournal (not me) has made some! Check 'em out. (They don't start until #058, so you have to scroll down.) Wonder where she got the screencaps. Bonus! She also has Supernatural "Lazarus Rising" icons.

So why didn't I just go ahead and post this at LJ? Because fucking LJ is not allowing me to post! When I click "Post" I get the title box, the tags box, the mood box and all the other boxes, except the text entry box! WTF?

I gotta tell ya, I'm really liking Blogspot/Blogger. Think I can get my LJ friends to move over here? Probably not, since the LJ Supernatural fan community is so large.

Oh, wait! I can't post cute little pictures here! Well, maybe that's not such a bad thing. Heh.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blog #463

Yep. Started another blog. The primary reason was to see how Blogspot works so I could help my friend hanncoll, who publishes Fangirl Says.

I've been monkeying around over here, and so far, I'm really liking Blogspot. I'm almost thinking that SciFi Chicks would be better hosted over here. I just don't know how the whole domain name to Blogspot thing works. If it's anything like putting a Yahoo-registered domain on another host, no thanks. The whole site ends up being caught in a Yahoo created frame; which makes the site really hard to manage.

So, I'll be experimenting for awhile. Watch and enjoy.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

How's life treating you lately

I really do feel the fall weekend vibe in the air today. I used to feel it by having windows open and football on the tv. Nowadays, though, I'm not much in to football anymore, and I seem to have developed fall allergies that are worse than springtime.

So I keep the windows closed. And substitute football with shopping channels. Heh.